This website has been translated from Danish to English by using artificial intelligence (AI).

We strive to ensure the accuracy of these translations, but we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate as legal jargon and idioms are not easily translated.

By using this service, I acknowledge that there may be misunderstandings due to this inaccuracy. For accurate information, we recommend that you use the Danish version of the website. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


We are a digital unemployment fund

All our mail is digital. This means that we do not forward paper letters if the digital mail is not read on Self Service or if you have not registered an email address with us.

You will still receive notification emails when there is new mail for you in Self Service, and you can also sign up for SMS reminders. You do this via the message service under the menu item 'Your information' in Self Service

It's your responsibility to check digital mail

The digital letter is considered to be received by you as soon as we send it to Self Service. It is therefore important that you keep an eye on what is in your Self Service inbox. The letters may contain important information that may require you to respond, for example, that you need to attend an interview at the unemployment fund. If you do not respond, it may unfortunately affect your membership or your entitlement to benefits.

Keep us updated with your email address

Did you enter the correct email address or have a new email address? Please remember to inform us so that important messages are not lost. Call us on +45 70 12 37 82 or change it yourself in Self Service under the menu item 'Your information'.

Want to know more?

You are always welcome to contact us if you need help reading your letters or if you have problems accessing Self Service.

Exemption options

You can be exempt from receiving digital mail from us and instead receive it by regular mail if you meet one of the special rules for exemption:

  • Comprehension impairment that prevents you from communicating digitally with us.
  • Physical disability that prevents you from communicating digitally with us.
  • Lack of access to a computer, smartphone or tablet in your own home or accommodation.
  • If you are registered as having left Denmark in the Central Personal Register.
  • If you are registered without permanent residence in the CPR register.
  • Language barriers consisting of a lack of Danish language skills that make it difficult for you to communicate digitally with us.
  • Practical difficulties in obtaining or using the digital signature used by the unemployment fund when living or residing outside Denmark.
  • You live in an area where there is no access to a broadband connection with a calculated download speed of at least 512 kbit/s.
  • Temporarily denied access to a computer, smartphone or tablet with internet connection due to hospitalization, nursing home, imprisonment, etc.

If you meet the conditions to be exempt, please contact us.