This website has been translated from Danish to English by using artificial intelligence (AI).

We strive to ensure the accuracy of these translations, but we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate as legal jargon and idioms are not easily translated.

By using this service, I acknowledge that there may be misunderstandings due to this inaccuracy. For accurate information, we recommend that you use the Danish version of the website. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Praise & praise

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


At Min A-kasse, we work hard to make it attractive and easy to be insured against unemployment.

We are proud to be in the top 3 of the best-rated unemployment funds on Trustpilot and that we are one of the unemployment funds with the highest member satisfaction.

At the same time, we are aware that there is always room for improvement and that our members' needs are constantly changing. It's important for us to constantly focus on areas where we can develop - and here our members' feedback is essential.

Write to us

Do you have any praise for us? Or maybe suggestions to make us better? Then please send an email to: