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Professional organizations

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

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At Min A-kasse we collaborate with a wide range of professional organizations.

In the table below, you can see which professional organizations Min A-kasse collaborates with.

Not sure what the difference is between an unemployment fund and a trade union? Then read more here.


Business Denmark

At Business Denmark, you get an inspiring career partner that develops your professionalism. Backed by skilled lawyers and attorneys who win over 85% of court cases.


PROSA is the only union exclusively for IT professionals. That's why you get expertise in the challenges you face as an IT professional in your career.

Service Union

Serviceforbundet has lawyers, social workers and other professional experts who know your industry, your salary and your collective agreement.

Danish Railway Association

Dansk Jernbaneforbund is the trade union organization for approximately 10,000 employees at public and private railway and transport companies.

Prison Union

Fængselsforbundet i Danmark organizes the uniformed staff in the Danish Prison and Probation Service and focuses solely on improving your working life.

Maritime Leaders

Søfartens Ledere is the trade union for maritime managers in Denmark, including helmsmen, ship officers, harbor masters and pilots. We work to provide you with good pay and working conditions and to ensure professionalism through collective agreements.

Danish Customs and Tax Association

Danish Customs & Tax Association is the negotiating organization for approximately 2,400 civil servants and employees in the Ministry of Taxation

Guard and security officers' union - VSL

VSL is the only trade union in Denmark that has the right to negotiate collective agreements and organize employees in the security and guarding industry.

Danish Maritime Pilots

The association for those who work as a pilot, have been a pilot or want to become a pilot in the maritime industry - whether you are an employed or self-employed pilot.

Dental Technicians Association

If you are a dental technician, you belong to the Danish Association of Dental Technicians. The collective agreements apply to employees in both the private and public sectors.

The national club for property inspectors

Trade union for property inspectors negotiates collective agreements and provides help and advice to property inspectors.

Danish Hairdressers & Beauticians Association

The Danish Hairdressers & Beauticians Association is the trade union for hairdressers, beauticians and employees in the beauty industry that helps with problems in the workplace.

Real Estate Officers' Trade Union

The Real Estate Officers' Union is for you if you are a real estate officer, property service technician, caretaker or property assistant.

Refinery Technicians' Union

The Refinery Technicians' Union negotiates your collective agreement and helps with any issues that may arise at work.

Agricultural and Supervisory Officers' Union

The Agricultural and Supervisory Officers' Union negotiates collective agreements with employers and therefore knows everything about your collective agreement, salary and benefits.

Professional Pulse

Faglig Puls organizes a number of smaller trades. As a member, you get help and advice on your salary and employment conditions.

Serviceforbundet - Watchmakers and Opticians

Urmagerne og Optikernes Fagforening is a nationwide trade union for watchmakers and opticians. Get help with good pay and working conditions.

Veterinary Nurses Union

The Veterinary Nurses Union negotiates your collective agreement and gives you the best help and advice.

FAKK - The union of church and cemetery employees

FAKK is the trade union for you as a gravedigger, cemetery manager or employed undertaker. FAKK advises and negotiates wages and collective agreements.

The merchants' main organization

If you are either a graduate economist or on your way to becoming one, and would like to join a trade union, Merkonomernes Hovedorganisation is a possible match.

Foster families

The National Association of Foster Families is passionate about improving conditions for foster families and works to improve conditions for foster children and their families.

Danish Churchwardens Association

The Danish Churchwardens' Association is your negotiating organization as a churchwarden at the Danish National Church.

What is a trade union?

What is a trade union?

A trade union is a professional organization that looks after the interests of employees. A trade union works to ensure that you have orderly conditions in the labor market and at your workplace. For example, when it comes to pay and working conditions. This includes your salary, working hours, vacation, sick pay, pension, continuing education, time off in lieu, maternity leave and much more.

Which union should I choose?

Which union should I choose?

Are you considering joining a trade union? Then you're probably asking yourself the question: Which trade union should I choose? Maybe you're not sure what a trade union is and what the difference is between a trade union and an unemployment insurance fund.

At Min A-kasse, we recommend that you choose a trade union that negotiates your collective agreement and knows your professional area, and that works for your overall conditions and rights as an employee. In the table below you can see the unions we work with and recommend.

What is a collective agreement?

What is a collective agreement?

A collective agreement is a collective agreement between employees and employers at individual workplaces. And it is the collective agreement that determines conditions such as wages, working hours and vacation based on negotiations. All collective agreements are different depending on the profession and industry.

There are unions that negotiate collective agreements, and then there are unions that are not organized or do not enter into collective agreements. These include, for example, Det Faglige Hus, ASE and Krifa.

Traditional trade unions, on the other hand, are associations that are organized by profession and industry. This is why they are called collective bargaining unions. For example, Serviceforbundet, Fængselsforbundet, Dansk Jernbaneforbund and PROSA are examples of collective bargaining unions.