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About My unemployment fund

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


Min A-kasse - one of the oldest unemployment funds in Denmark

With more than 100 years of experience running an unemployment fund, we know the unemployment benefit rules inside out. As part of our 80,000 members, you get the support and guidance you need if you become unemployed. With us, you get your very own personal job and career advisor who knows you and your situation and will help you find your next job. We have a broad knowledge of all parts of the labor market, because we are for everyone.

One of the country's cheapest unemployment funds with high member satisfaction

We are in the top 3 of the best-rated unemployment insurance funds on Trustpilot and take pride in keeping membership fees low and service high. We believe that the high member satisfaction reflects our dedication to giving our members the best experience and help.

One unemployment fund for everyone regardless of job and education

We have members in IT, sales, marketing, trade, service and much more. Anyone can become a member of Min A-kasse. We help students, recent graduates, employees, self-employed and early retirees. We also collaborate with 15 different professional organizations, including Business Denmark, Serviceforbundet and PROSA.

Offices throughout Denmark

With offices in Aalborg, Aarhus, Middelfart, Copenhagen, Rødovre, Næstved and Valby, we are well represented throughout the country. 

Part of the trade union movement

Min A-kasse was founded in 1914, and we are an FH a-kasse (Trade Union Confederation - formerly LO).

Become a member of Min A-kasse for only DKK 524 per month.

Join online or by phone at 70123782

Why should I choose Min A-kasse?