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Be aware of the new rule about job searching and registering in the job log

It's important that you register jobs applied for in the job log the same week you apply for them. Otherwise, you may risk being quarantined.

The Danish Parliament has decided to tighten the rules on availability. The new rule means that, in the worst case, you can lose three weeks of unemployment benefits if you fail to register any of the jobs you apply for in the job log within the month in which you have applied for the jobs.

If you are used to collecting and only registering your job search in the job log once in a while or even waiting until the following month to register, this is no longer appropriate. Instead, you should register the jobs you apply for in the job log the same week you apply for them.


  • The jobs you apply for must be registered in the job log on within the same week as you applied for the job.
  • If you apply close to the end of the month, make sure to register the job before the end of the calendar month in which the job was applied for.
  • Search for jobs as agreed in "Job search requirements", which is part of your "My Plan" on
  • Search jobs every week, even on holidays
  • Upload a copy of an application once a month

The new rule is an addition to existing rules on job search and registration in the job log and will take effect from April 1, 2022. Read more about being available and job log here