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Early retirement - an option for you?

Applications are now open for the so-called Arne pension, which is an early pension for those who have had a long working life and want to retire from the labor market.

Early retirement is a special retirement benefit for those who have had a long-term connection to the labor market. Early retirement means that you are entitled to retire 1, 2 or 3 years earlier if you meet the conditions for how many years you have been in the labor market. It is your overall attachment to the labor market that determines whether you are eligible for early retirement.

If you were born in the second half of 1955 to 1964, the following is fixed until 2025:

  • 44 years in the labor market entitles you to 3 years of early retirement
  • 43 years in the labor market entitles you to 2 years of early retirement
  • 42 years in the labor market entitles you to 1 year of early retirement.

Subsequently, it increases by 1 year up to and including 2030. After that, statements are indexed in relation to the state pension age applicable at any given time.

In addition, you need to start from the beginning:

  • Be a Danish citizen
  • Have permanent residence in Denmark
  • Have lived in Denmark for at least three years from the age of 15 until retirement age.

It is Udbetaling Danmark that processes your application and is therefore the person you should contact for further guidance. You can also contact Udbetaling Danmark's department for Early Pension by calling +45 70 12 80 94. 

Read more about early retirement in relation to the unemployment fund.