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Five tips for job hunting during the Christmas holidays

Christmas is approaching and for many, that means vacation. If you're unemployed or thinking about changing jobs, you can use the Christmas break to prepare - but remember to take some time off and relax too. Here are five tips on how to spend your Christmas break if you're looking for a job.

Get your CV and LinkedIn in order

Use the holiday season to update your CV and LinkedIn profile. Add the latest experiences and write a short text that tells a bit more about what you are looking for and what you can do.

Send a Christmas greeting

Get an overview of your network and send a nice Christmas greeting. A personalized greeting is a great way to refresh contact.

Prepare for January

When the calendar says January, new jobs are usually flooding in. Use the holidays to research interesting companies and set up job agents so you're ready when new opportunities arise.

Take the chance

Think about whether there are companies that could be interesting to you, even if they don't have any vacancies advertised. Make a list and take the time to create an unsolicited application that you can send out in the new year.

Remember to take time off

Give yourself permission to relax. You'll only get sharper at job hunting when your batteries are recharged.
Remember, we're always here to help you, whether you're unemployed or perhaps considering a change of industry or career.