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Expensive not to be registered with jobnet

If you are made redundant, it is important that you register with on your first day of unemployment. Otherwise, you risk missing out on the so-called G-dage, which can be up to DKK 1,880.

If you are dismissed, it is generally your employer's obligation to pay for your first two days of unemployment. We call these days G-days, also known as employer reimbursement days. Until now, the practice has been that you are entitled to G-days if you are a member of an unemployment insurance fund and you have worked for at least 74 hours within four weeks prior to becoming unemployed in order to be entitled to G-days.

But a new practice means that you must now also be registered with from the first day you are unemployed to be entitled to G-days.

Therefore, always remember to sign up for on your first day of unemployment.

If you want to read more about the rules for G-days, we guide you through the rules here