This website has been translated from Danish to English by using artificial intelligence (AI).

We strive to ensure the accuracy of these translations, but we cannot guarantee they are 100% accurate as legal jargon and idioms are not easily translated.

By using this service, I acknowledge that there may be misunderstandings due to this inaccuracy. For accurate information, we recommend that you use the Danish version of the website. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Get a member and receive a 500 kr SuperGift card.

Are you happy with your membership at Min A-kasse? And do you want to share the good experience with someone you know?

Recommend Min A-kasse to someone you know and get a SuperGift card of DKK 500 as a thank you*. All you need to do is fill in the details and we'll take care of the rest. We'll have a chat with the person you've recommended and enroll them.

*Does not apply to students with free membership.

    Here's how you do it

    Fill in the contact details below. We'll contact the person you recommended and tell them about Min A-kasse.

    You'll receive a gift card once your referral has joined the unemployment fund and paid for the first time.

    The recommended member

    Your information

    Read more about how we process your personal data here.

    Treat yourself to whatever you want

    With a SuperGift Card you can choose from thousands of options. You decide whether you want to spend the gift card on online shopping, restaurant visits, furniture, or something else entirely.

    Explore the possibilities

    Find answers to frequently asked questions

    Who can recommend a new member?

    Members of My Unemployment Fund can recommend a new member to My Unemployment Fund and receive a super gift card as a thank you.

    Be aware that you cannot recommend yourself.

    When will I receive the Super Gift Card?

    We'll send a Super Gift Card when the person you recommend has joined and we've registered payment for the first month.

    Can I recommend someone who is already a member of another unemployment fund?

    Yes, you can do that. If the person you recommend is a member of another unemployment insurance fund, we will take care of the transfer.

    Why haven't I received a Super Gift Card?

    If you do not receive a gift card, it may be because your recommended member has not joined or the 14-day cooling-off period has not yet expired. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

    Can I recommend someone who has previously been a member of Min A-kasse?

    Yes, you can. The former member just needs to have been out for at least one year.