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6 weeks of job-oriented training

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Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

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As an unemployed member of Min A-kasse, you have the opportunity to receive 6 weeks of job-oriented training

If you are unemployed and entitled to unemployment benefits, you have the opportunity to receive what is called 'job-oriented training'. However, there are certain conditions that must be met, as this option is reserved for unemployed people who do not already have as much education. 

To be eligible for a 6-week job-oriented training program, you must

  • You have been unemployed for a total of 185 hours.
  • You do not already have an education that exceeds vocational training (EUD) or another type of education that can be equated to it.
  • You do not have a higher education degree that exceeds the level of a vocational academy and at the same time have a vocational education or other education that is equivalent to a vocational education.
  • You are not self-employed as a second job.
  • You do not have paid work on reduced hours.

Are you under or over 25 years old?

Your age also has an impact on how the job-oriented training should take place. If you are under 25, the 6 weeks of job-oriented training must be completed within the first 6 months of unemployment. If you are 25 or older, the 6 weeks of job-oriented training must be completed within 9 months of unemployment.

See which courses and programs you can access on the 'Positive List'. You have the option to select courses within an occupational group on the positive list. You can apply for several courses at once or apply for one course at a time until you have used all 6 weeks. However, the courses must still be within the 6 or 9 months of unemployment.

Job-oriented training for more than 6 weeks

Training on the positive list that exceeds 6 weeks in duration can only be granted as job-oriented training if the job center grants the part of the training that exceeds 6 weeks as an offer under the Active Employment Initiative Act.

You must complete and submit an application for and confirmation of entitlement to admission to job-oriented training for unemployed unemployment benefit recipients. The form is called AR237. Once you have downloaded and filled out the form, send it to us via Self Service.

If you need guidance on 6 weeks of job-oriented training, ask Min A-kasse, the job center or the educational institution.

Read more about education and unemployment benefits.