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How do you switch unemployment funds?

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


It's easy to switch to Min A-kasse. We handle all the practicalities

Switching from another unemployment fund to Min A-kasse is very easy. All you need to do is join Min A-kasse and tell us about your current unemployment fund membership, and we'll do the rest.

If you are an employee and a member of another unemployment insurance fund, you can easily transfer to Min A-kasse, regardless of your educational background and the industry you work in. You can also be transferred to Min A-kasse if you work during the early retirement period, if you are unemployed or in activation. 

You keep your seniority

You keep your rights and seniority when you transfer from one unemployment fund to another. When you apply to transfer your membership to Min A-kasse, simply tell us which unemployment fund you are a member of. We will then take care of transferring your membership. The entire process of transferring your membership is done automatically as soon as you have signed up for My Unemployment Fund.

Do you have questions about transferring?
Contact Min A-kasse to learn more

Contact us

Become a member of Min A-kasse for only DKK 524 per month.

Join online or by phone at 70123782