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What does it cost to be a member of Min A-kasse?

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


The price of a membership with Min A-kasse

Min A-kasse is among the cheapest unemployment funds in Denmark. Nevertheless, the service is high. You get professional help with your job search, access to career guidance, help writing a good CV, a good application and much more. 

The cost of your membership fee depends on your membership type. Remember that your membership fee is tax deductible, so you can deduct it from your taxes.

Insurance type

Membership fee per month Early retirement contribution per month (optional)
Full-time insurance 506 kr. 548 kr. 
Part-time insurance 378 kr.  365 kr. 
Full-time insurance - New graduate (the first three months after graduation) 381 kr.  548 kr.
Part-time insurance - New graduate (the first three months after graduation) 253 kr.  365 kr.

Are you a student? You can become a free member of Min A-kasse. Read more about the conditions for being a free student member.

Do you need to pay your membership fee from abroad? Read more about paying from abroad.

Payment of membership fees - how to sign up for Betalingsservice

Pay your membership fee via online banking or Betalingsservice (PBS)

You can pay your membership fee easily and free of charge via online banking or PBS.

Sign up for PBS

To sign up for PBS, you need the following information:

BS number: 01231979
Debit group number: 02144

Remember to include your membership number so we can identify your payment. 

Important for specific associations

If you are a member of PROSA, Serviceforbundet or Business Danmark, please use the information below. Remember to enter your membership number.

Member of PROSA
PBS number: 06403301

Debit group number: 02145

Member of Serviceforbundet
PBS number: 04969367
Debit group number: 00001

Member of Business Denmark
PBS number: 07834780
Debit group number: 00001

Become exempt from paying membership fees

How do I get exempt from paying membership fees to Min A-kasse?

You must apply to be exempt from paying membership fees to Min A-kasse. The exemption can take effect from the day we receive your application at the earliest.

To be exempt from membership fees, the following applies:

  • You must be under 30 years old and in the process of completing a vocational program or a program that entitles you to join an unemployment insurance fund as a graduate - i.e. a program lasting at least 18 months.
  • Your total income from employment, SU, SVU or similar must not exceed the maximum unemployment benefit rate or student salary.
  • You must not receive support under the Active Social Policy Act or similar.

The membership fee waiver is granted for 1 year at a time and ends when you turn 30 or when you are no longer in education.

Are you over 30 years old? Then the following requirements apply before you can be exempt from membership fees:

  • You are undergoing vocational training that entitles you to enroll as a graduate in an unemployment insurance fund and pay early retirement contributions.
  • An adult apprenticeship contract has been signed between your employer and the job center.
  • Your total income from employment, SU, SVU or similar during the program does not exceed the maximum unemployment benefit rate (DKK 294,806 per year) or the student salary.
  • The fee waiver is granted for one year at a time and can be granted for a maximum of 5 years. The exemption only applies while you are in education.
  • You do not receive support under the Active Social Policy Act or similar.
  • You are eligible for unemployment benefits before you start your education.
Become a member of Min A-kasse for only 506 DKK/month.

Join online or by phone at 70123782

Why should I choose Min A-kasse?