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Free membership for students

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


Student, apprentice or trainee? You can become a free student member

Don't miss out on the benefits of becoming a free member of Min A-kasse. In less than two minutes, you can secure unemployment benefits when you graduate, giving you peace of mind throughout your education. Sign up today.

Good reasons to become a student member of Min A-kasse

1. Free student membership and benefits from day one

Are you a student? Then you can join Min A-kasse - for free! To receive unemployment benefits from day one when you graduate, it is important that you have been a member of the unemployment fund for at least one year. If you want to secure unemployment benefits on your first day of unemployment, you must therefore join the unemployment fund no later than one year before you graduate.

Read more about the conditions for free membership.

2. Free lectures and workshops

As a member of Min A-kasse, you have the opportunity to participate in exciting lectures and workshops. For example, we have workshops on stress, networking, talks with good advice for job interviews and much, much more. Keep an eye out for our upcoming events and workshops.

3. Guidance for those who dream of starting their own business

Do you dream of starting your own business after graduation? And do you need to get to grips with the legislation so you're more than ready when the business opens? Then you've come to the right place. At Min A-kasse, we have employees who can advise you on self-employment and self-employed side jobs.

4. Personal guidance from job and career advisors who know your labor market

At Min A-kasse you'll meet job and career advisors who are experts in the job market. They can help you with advice and know-how on everything from your job search, application and CV to clarifying skills and stress.

Conditions for free membership

Conditions for free membership

  • You must be enrolled in an education program with a minimum duration of 18 months.
  • Your total income, including SU, must not exceed DKK 305,421 per year (2025).
  • You must not receive support under the Active Social Policy Act or similar.

The fee waiver is valid from the day we receive your application.

You can be a free member of the unemployment fund for a maximum of 5 years.

High school programs do not give access to free membership.

Please note that upper secondary and vocational upper secondary education does not provide vocational qualifications. Therefore, a high school diploma, an HH degree or equivalent education cannot give access to graduate membership in an unemployment insurance fund or free membership.

Why should I choose Min A-kasse?