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Become a member of the unemployment fund

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


Anyone can become a member of Min A-kasse

Min A-kasse is a multidisciplinary unemployment fund. This means that you can join us no matter what industry you work in. It only costs DKK 524 per month to be a member of Min A-kasse. Sign up today.

A membership with us secures you financially if you find yourself out of work one day. It gives you access to a range of offers to help you in your job search, including free job and career advice. Read more about the benefits of being a member of Min A-kasse

If you have any questions about a membership with Min A-kasse or need help signing up, you are always welcome to call us on +45 7012 3782 or send an email to

Are you a recent graduate? We give you Denmark's lowest price for the first three months or as long as you are unemployed. This means that as a full-time insured, you only pay DKK 396 per month for the first three months, regardless of whether you have a job or not.

Full-time or part-time insurance?

Should you choose full-time or part-time insurance?

When you join Min A-kasse, you must choose whether you want to be insured full-time or part-time. Your choice affects how much you can receive in unemployment benefits, how much you have to be available for work and how much you have to pay in membership fees.

Read more about the different types of insurance.

Are you a recent graduate?

Secure your entitlement to unemployment benefits as a recent graduate

Are you about to finish your education? Then it's a good idea to join an unemployment insurance fund. This is the easiest way to secure your right to unemployment benefits, as you receive them based on your education. This way, you are guaranteed unemployment benefits if you are unemployed as a recent graduate.

We keep track of the rules for you

We know that being out of work as a graduate can be difficult. Questions like "How do I get my unemployment benefits?", "How do I navigate this jungle of rules?" and "How do I get a job?", are very important at a time when you're also happy and relieved to have finished your education.

At Min A-kasse, you'll get a personal advisor who will focus on you and your needs and help you move on safely after you've completed your education. We help ensure that you receive your unemployment benefits on time, so that you have financial security and we can focus on finding the right job for you.

Read more and unemployment benefits for recent graduates.

Are you a student?

Are you a trainee with less than 12 months of training left?

If you have less than 12 months left of your apprenticeship, you can easily wait to join until you have completed your education. Then you can get a membership according to the rules for recent graduates.

Learner with more than 12 months of education left?

You can be admitted under the rules for salaried employees if you are a student on an approved training program, have at least 12 months left of your apprenticeship and are in an internship at the time of admission. This means you can receive unemployment benefits from the first day of unemployment after you have completed your apprenticeship. However, you must meet the other conditions for entitlement to unemployment benefits.

You can get an individual unemployment benefit rate calculated at 90% of the trainee salary you have received in the last 3 months, with a maximum of DKK 21,092 per month (2025) for full-time insured and DKK 14,061 (2025) per month for part-time insured. You can also choose to receive a graduate rate.

If you sign up 12 months before your apprenticeship, you must send an application form to Min A-kasse together with your last monthly payslip. Remember that there must be at least 12 months left of your apprenticeship when we receive your application form. If you are registering as a graduate, we must receive your application form within 14 days after you have completed your education.

Are you a state pensioner?

You can still be a member of Min A-kasse

You can continue to be an unemployment insurance fund member with us when you become a state pensioner. Your membership will be converted to a so-called senior membership, where you only pay an administration fee (DKK 128 per month in 2025).

You are not entitled to benefits - but to job search guidance.

Become a member of Min A-kasse for only DKK 524 per month.

Join online or by phone at 70123782

Why should I choose Min A-kasse?