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How do you use LinkedIn in your job search?

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Use LinkedIn strategically in your job search

LinkedIn is an invaluable tool in your job search and can also help you expand your network. Read on to find out how to use LinkedIn strategically in your job search.

As many as 79% of large companies in the private sector use LinkedIn as a recruitment channel. In the public sector, the figure is 59% (see Ballisager Recruitment Analysis 2023).

An indispensable tool for communicating your "professional self" to the world, LinkedIn is a combination of a huge CV database and a social network.

A LinkedIn profile helps you with the following:

  • Identify, build and maintain your network
  • Finding job postings
  • Expand your overview of where you can proactively apply for jobs unsolicited
  • Leverage all your contacts and networks to strengthen your job search
  • Share knowledge and signal professionalism widely
  • Being "found" by recruiters and HR professionals
  • Signaling that you are "online", active and engaged in social networks.

How to get started with LinkedIn

We've put together a checklist on how to update and optimize your LinkedIn profile.

  1. Photo: Upload a photo of you with a neutral background that sends a professional signal.
  2. Language: Choose the language that is standard in the industry you are targeting.
  3. Headline: Write your job title (or your desired job title) followed by a short, sharp text of 10-12 words containing your core competencies. Remember that the text should make others want to read your profile. When you get new contacts, your headline will be exposed to all your new contacts' own LinkedIn connections.
  4. Industry: Choose an industry you want to work in and are qualified for.
  5. Profile URL: This is the link to your profile. You can choose to rename the URL so that it has your own name (e.g. instead of a numeric code.
  6. About: Start with a short elevator pitch about yourself. Who are you, what are your talents, what are you passionate about and what can you bring to a company. You can also include your phone number and email address so people can contact you if they find your profile interesting.
  7. Experience: Include previous jobs, responsibilities and successes - just like in a regular CV.
  8. Education: Add your education and preferably what you have learned during your education.
  9. Qualifications: Choose 6-7 skills that your network can approve you for. Go in and qualify other connections first - they'll typically do the same for you.
  10. "Open to work" frame on your profile picture: Last but not least, you have the option to add a green frame around your profile picture that says "Open to work". This shows recruiters that you are looking for a job.
Use groups on LinkedIn

Explore groups on LinkedIn

Join 5-6 LinkedIn groups that have members from the industry you're targeting to signal your professional engagement and strengthen your personal message.

Continuously grow your connections in LinkedIn

Make connections on LinkedIn

  • You need at least 50 connections to be considered LinkedIn active. The more the better.
  • Search and connect with former colleagues, classmates, friends and others you know. When you send the requests, add a personal message explaining why you want to connect.
  • Search on companies as well. Then you can both identify employees who have a LinkedIn profile and see how you are connected to them
Be active on LinkedIn

Remember and be active

LinkedIn is designed so that the more active you are on the medium, the more visible you will be to your network. Therefore, we recommend that you are active on LinkedIn and engage with content.

  • Be active: Check your profile daily and stay updated on discussions, people and companies that interest you.
  • Create dialog: Lead a dialog based on mutual value and be professional. Remember, it's not Facebook.
  • Comment and like: Click "Like" or comment on discussions and posts that are going on, preferably in the form of references to articles and the like.
  • Share relevant content: Share articles, news and insights relevant to your field.
  • Add value: Always try to add value to the people in your network before asking them for help, preferably in the form of recommendations, endorsement of their skills, referrals to groups, or professional input.
  • Write your own posts: Share your own thoughts and experiences - both professional and personal - through posts or articles.
  • Check your stats: Go in and look at the profile visit statistics. If no one is looking at your profile, you should probably change something.