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How do you create a good CV?

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Here you'll find tips and tricks on how to write a great CV. We've also collected examples and templates of a CV that you can use for inspiration. 

Writing a good CV is an art. Fortunately, at Min A-kasse we have a lot of experienced and skilled job and career advisors who have many years of experience reading through CVs. If you need an extra pair of eyes on your CV, they are ready to help you.

Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned job hunter or a first-time CEO, your CV is your ticket to the "maybe pile". The CV is the first thing an employer looks at when hiring a new employee.

While you can describe your personal and professional profile in depth in the application, the CV should be a quick overview to convince the employer that your education, courses, experience, skills and personality make you the right person for the job.

Our first piece of advice: Write short and clear

As a rule of thumb, a CV should be no longer than 2-3 pages. Employers typically don't spend much more than 10 seconds per CV.

The structure should be logical and your information easy to understand. There are many ways to structure your CV, but for clarity, it can be a good idea to write a chronological CV where you start with your most recent job or education and then go back one line in time.

Your CV should include the following:

  • Possibly a headline
  • Summary/professional profile
  • Core competencies
  • Work experience (most recent at the top)
  • Education/courses (newest at the top)
  • IT skills
  • Language (writing level oral and written)
  • Private
  • Refer to the fact that references can be obtained.

Remember, the more targeted, readable and informative your CV is, the better your chances of being selected for an interview.

Tips for writing a great CV

How do you create a good CV and what should it contain? Read on to find out:

  1. Keep your CV short.
    If you want to get tips on how to write a good CV, you should first and foremost keep your CV to 2-3 pages as much as possible.
  2. Consistent design for your CV and cover letter.
    Create a consistent layout for your CV and cover letter. This means that it will be read as a whole. Not least, it's a great opportunity to show that you have a sense of what looks most presentable.
  3. Feel free to use bullet points.
    If you use bullet points, you create an overview. For example, it can be an advantage to highlight your core competencies in bullet points.
  4. Remember to take a good and professional photo of yourself.
    Don't use a picture from your last vacation sitting on the beach or with a drink in your hand. It will make you look unprofessional, which is obviously not preferable.
  5. Target your CV to the company.
    A lot of people start by writing the application, and when the energy is spent on that, it can be tempting to send the CV you already have. But if you don't want to waste your energy on writing the application, you should also focus on targeting your CV to the job and the company you are applying for. A standard resume won't cut it. A tip for targeting your CV is to read the job advert again and use keywords from the job advert when highlighting your own skills and experience.
What type of CV should you choose?

While there are some things that should be included in all CVs, your CV will of course also depend on the industry you work in. In some industries, a personal visit and a handshake is the way to get the job. But even when you're out on a "sales tour" for yourself, it's a good idea to hand your contact person a CV - like an extended business card.

On this page, you can find several different CV templates and examples that you can download for free and get inspired by.

Our advisors are also ready to help you write a great CV that best matches you, your experience and your job requirements. We can help you with a competency CV, a chronological CV, an extended business card and a video CV. Download our free CV template here.

Language and layout in your CV

It is important that your CV is clear to the person reading it. While your cover letter should only be one page, your CV should be 2-3 pages long. Try to keep it short and concise.

The font you use should be easy to read and preferably the same as in your application.

As with your cover letter, we recommend that you have someone read through your CV. It's too stupid and annoying to be rejected because of spelling and typos.


Download free CV templates and examples

Free CV template

To make your work easier, we have prepared a few standard CV templates that you can use when building your own CV. You can easily modify our template, including font, font size, order, colors, etc. Download My Unemployment Fund's standard CV template below:

The CV as an extended business card

Would you like to get acquainted with a slightly different kind of CV that is not as bulky and rigid in its form as some may experience? Download our examples and templates below:

Need advice on your CV?
Get free expert help from one of our job and career advisors

Please send your CV to and explain what you need help with. Or call us on 70 12 37 82