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Get new inspiration with these podcasts

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Here we've gathered the best podcasts for job seekers and those who want to find more peace of mind.

Whether you're a job seeker or a working professional in need of new inspiration, you can benefit from reading - and not least listening - here. We've gathered a number of exciting podcasts that you can be inspired by while drinking your morning or afternoon coffee or waiting for the bus.

The many podcasts include job search and interview advice and LinkedIn tips and tricks. And because we know that being unemployed and looking for a job can be hard and exhausting, we've also put together our recommendations for a good (and free) mindfulness app and a podcast series on how you can let go of negative thoughts and worries and get more peace of mind.

Dive into a universe of exciting and educational audio experiences. 

How to create a LinkedIn profile in under six minutes

How do I create a LinkedIn profile? Follow this quick guide from Social Selling, which enables you to create a profile from scratch in less than 6 minutes. You can quickly get started with a personal profile on the world's largest business-oriented social media platform.

Increase your visibility, expertise and build trust via LinkedIn

In this podcast, you'll get tips on how to reach more people with your posts and articles on LinkedIn - and how to position yourself more and better online.

Being free and finding your spark

Meet Niels Reib, who makes a living helping unemployed people get through their job search with a focus on personal wellbeing as a counterbalance to the often challenging times of unemployment.

How to succeed in the job interview

In 11 podcast episodes, headhunter Trine Sangill and career coach Dorthe Albæk focus on the job interview and give you valuable advice on how to prepare for your next job interview in the best possible way.

Use meditation to calm your body

Many unemployed people can relate to feeling stressed, tired, depressed, anxious or physically restless at times. Meditation and mindfulness can help you release stress and find peace of mind. We recommend the free app called "Presence", which contains several different meditations lasting between 5 and 47 minutes. The app is free and developed by Lars Damkjær, who is a mindfulness instructor and coaches people to live a life with less stress.

How to avoid mind clutter and reduce worry

Mindcamp was founded in 2020 by two psychologists who live with a chronic illness and have been deployed to Afghanistan respectively. They have created a great podcast where they provide concrete tools on how to reduce your worries, drop self-critical thoughts and release stress. The podcast is free to listen to and they have made episodes about:

  • How to overthink less
  • How to deal with stress
  • How to let go of your thoughts with one simple exercise and calm your mind
  • How to get better sleep.