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Long-term sick leave and unemployment benefits

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

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Will I lose my entitlement to unemployment benefits if I'm on long-term sick leave?

The unemployment insurance fund can only pay sickness benefit for the first 2 weeks of your illness. If you continue to be ill after that, you must receive sickness benefit from Udbetaling Danmark. You can read more about sickness benefit at

The first 6 weeks of sickness with sickness benefit you use up your entitlement to unemployment benefit. Periods of sickness benefit after that can extend your entitlement to unemployment benefit.

If you are still entitled to unemployment benefits when you recover from long-term sick leave, the unemployment insurance fund must assess whether you are healthy and available for work. This means that if you are insured full-time, you must be able to take on 37 hours of work per week with one day's notice, or 30 hours if you are insured part-time.

If you use up the remainder of your benefit entitlement during your illness or you are not available for work, we recommend that you contact your municipality of residence. They can advise you on the possibilities for cash benefits, flex jobs or disability pension. You can read more about this at