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My plan - everything you need to know

System upgrades are scheduled during the following times:

Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

Membership purchases and services will be unavailable during that period.


Creating "My Plan"

During the first three months of your unemployment, you will be invited to three interviews with us at the unemployment fund and during the following three months you will be invited to three interviews at the job center. Based on these interviews, we and the job center will assess whether we can find you a job immediately or whether you can improve your chances of finding a job by participating in training or activation programs.

In order for you to participate in an offer, you must have prepared "My plan". "My plan" is agreed by you, the unemployment fund and the job center and is binding for all parties. You must follow the offers agreed in the plan and maintain contact with the unemployment fund and the job center.

Throughout your period of unemployment, you are obliged to accept offers from the job center. When you have been unemployed for 6 months, you have the right and obligation to be activated in an offer from the job center.

What can "My Plan" contain?

It is your plan for how you will improve your chances of getting a job. It can include training, internships and wage-subsidized jobs. 

Company internship

An internship in a public or private company is an offer that you can use to clarify your employment goals. The internship can last up to 4 weeks and you will receive unemployment benefits during the internship.

Employment with wage subsidies

You have the opportunity to be employed with wage subsidies with a public or private employer. The main purpose is to train your skills with a view to permanent employment. A wage subsidy can be granted for up to four months with a public employer and up to six months with a private employer.

Wages and working conditions at a private employer must follow the collective agreement that applies in the area. Salary with a public employer must correspond to your unemployment benefit rate after the labor market contribution has been deducted. However, the salary must be at least 82% of the highest unemployment benefit rate for full-time and part-time insured respectively.

Guidance and upskilling

You may be offered training and courses aimed at employment in the labor market. Internships may be included in the training period. The content is agreed with the job center.

Special rules apply if you are under 25.

Transportation allowance

Travel reimbursement and transportation expenses

You can have part of your transport costs covered if you participate in offers approved by the job center that are included in 'My plan'.

The coverage applies if you have a daily commute of more than 24 kilometers between your place of residence and the place where you follow the offer. That is, 24 kilometers in total, back and forth. You will be covered for the kilometers beyond the 24 kilometers. This applies to offers of guidance and upskilling, internships and public wage subsidies.

If you are employed with wage subsidies by a private employer, you are not entitled to transport allowance from the unemployment fund. Nor are you entitled to a transport allowance if you are entitled to transport subsidies under the Act on Labor Market Training.

The rate for transport reimbursement in 2025 is DKK 1.12 per kilometer for driving over 24 km.

 You can apply for transportation allowance on form AB 421, which you can find on our Self Service.

Lack of childcare options outside of institutional opening hours

Let us know if you need childcare

When we or the job center draw up "My Plan" or refer you to a job, you must be taken into account if you do not have care for children or family members outside the opening hours of the institutions. This will only be taken into account if you have informed us or the job center that you have no childcare options. If you have childcare problems outside the institution's opening hours, you should therefore notify us as soon as possible so that this can be taken into account when arranging work and activation.

If you have not given notice and you have to turn down a job or activation due to lack of childcare, you risk receiving a 111-hour (3-week) suspension for self-induced unemployment. You may also risk losing unemployment benefits if you have received another suspension for self-induced unemployment within the past 12 months.