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What do I do if I become unemployed?

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Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

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What should you do when you become unemployed?

When you become unemployed, there are a number of things you need to remember to do. If you have any questions or doubts, you are always welcome to contact us.

1. On your first day of unemployment: Register as unemployed on

In order for us to pay you unemployment benefits, you must be registered as unemployed on Your registration is registered when you receive a receipt via email. Remember to save this email as documentation.

You can also register by showing up at the job center. If the job center is closed on your first day of availability, you must register on the first day it is open thereafter.

2. Submit a declaration of unemployment

You must fill in a declaration of unemployment for the unemployment fund on Self Service under Unemployment benefits. Fill in your unemployment declaration as soon as possible. We strive to process it before you fill out your unemployment benefit card for the first time. We collect Danish salary information from the Income Register at SKAT. If you have worked abroad, you must send us a copy of your payslips and employment contract.

Learn more about how to fill out an unemployment declaration

3. Search for jobs from your first day of unemployment - and remember to register your job search every week

You must be actively looking for work, as this is a prerequisite for receiving unemployment benefits. This means, for example, that you must apply for several jobs a week. Read more about being available to the labor market. In order for us to see that you are actively looking for work, it is important that you use the job log to register your job search every week.

Read more about how and why you should fill in the job log.

4. You have an interview with Min A-kasse

We will invite you to your first interview in Min A-kasse no later than two weeks after you have registered as unemployed. During the interview, we will guide you in your job search and review and approve your CV.

The interview is based on your specific situation. Together we draw up 'Job search requirements', which is part of My Plan. 'Job search requirements' is an agreement that forms the framework for your job search and is included in the availability assessment. We agree on the strategy that best supports your chances of getting a job and subsequently evaluate it at your other interviews in the unemployment fund and in connection with the availability assessment.

5. Fill out an unemployment benefit card at the end of each month

At the end of each month, you need to fill out and submit an unemployment benefit card via My Unemployment Fund Self Service. Your unemployment benefits will be transferred to your account on the last banking day of the month. On your first unemployment benefit card, you must account for your activities throughout the month, including the part of the period when you were not unemployed. Read more about how to fill out an unemployment benefit card.

Create your CV on

Create your CV on

Within two weeks from the day you registered as unemployed at the job center, you must create a CV on It is not possible to attach a CV that you have created yourself. You must use the template available on When you create a CV, your profile can be matched with the available jobs in the Jobcenter's Job and CV bank. In addition, your personal job advisor will use the CV to get an overview of your professional profile prior to your first meeting.

Do you need help preparing your CV? Min A-kasse will help you.

My unemployment fund must approve your CV

Once you have created your CV on, we at Min A-kasse must approve that it meets the legal requirements. We can do this at your first interview, which we will invite you to no later than 2 weeks after you have registered as unemployed on It is important that you have created a CV that we can approve, as an approved CV is a condition for receiving unemployment benefits.

For us to approve your CV, it must represent a 'realistic and serious' approach to your job search. It must include:

  • Information about your previous employment.
  • A professional profile. The section is called 'a little about me'.
  • Information about your educational background, courses etc.
  • Your other qualifications, language skills etc.
Job log - What is it and how do I fill it out?

What is a job log?

The job log is a tool to record the jobs you have applied for. You can also use it to plan your job search and keep track of the jobs you would like to apply for and the jobs you have applied for. When you are unemployed, you need to register your job search in the job log every week. You should also upload examples of applications and CVs you have sent to employers at least once a month.

You can find the job log in Self Service under the Job search tab and then "Update your job log". You register your job search by filling in the information. Select 'Add' to upload specific CVs and applications you have sent to employers. You can also access the job log and register your information via

If you have any questions or experience technical issues when filling out the job log, please contact us.

Why is it important that you fill out the job log

It is our job to assess whether you are available for the labor market. Therefore, it is important that you apply for jobs every week as agreed in 'Job search requirements' and register your job search in the job log.

The information in the job log is necessary for us to make a positive availability assessment. Therefore, we will react if you do not continuously register your job search in the job log or do not upload examples of your applications and CV.

If you don't update your job log, you risk losing your entitlement to unemployment benefits.

Situations where you need to remember to unsubscribe on

Unsubscribe on jobnet

You must remember to unsubscribe on when you:

  • get work for a minimum of 14 days.
  • becomes ill for a minimum of 14 days.
  • for other reasons do not want to be registered with the job center.
If you do not participate in conversations and offers

You are obliged to attend the interviews and offers that the unemployment fund, job center or other party has invited you to. Not attending can therefore have consequences for your entitlement to unemployment benefits. The consequences vary greatly depending on what you are required to attend.

Interview at the job center, unemployment insurance fund or other provider

If you fail to attend an interview that we, the job center or another party has summoned you to in writing and in person or that you have booked yourself, you will be excluded from receiving unemployment benefits from the day you fail to attend and until you contact the person summoning you. In these cases, you must contact the job center if the meeting was called by the job center.

This also applies if an interview is to be held by phone, digitally or by letter and the interview is not held due to your circumstances. If you cancel before the interview, you cannot receive unemployment benefits for the day on which the interview should have been held.

You can, of course, be legally excused if you can't come because you're at work, have a job interview, are on vacation that you've reported to the job center or have fallen ill. This will not affect your unemployment benefits, but it is a condition that you have canceled before the interview.

Offers from the job center

Offers are agreed with the job center in My Plan. Please note that if you do not start or refuse an offer that has been agreed in My Plan, you will generally be quarantined for three weeks. This also applies if you do not contribute to the preparation of My Plan.

Job interview

If you refuse or do not start a job that you have been referred to or if you fail to attend an interview with an employer about a referred job, you will generally receive a three-week quarantine.

You are obliged to attend the interviews and offers that the unemployment fund, job center or other party has invited you to. Not attending can therefore have consequences for your entitlement to unemployment benefits. The consequences vary greatly depending on what you are required to attend.

Note. Please note that if you have two quarantines within 12 months, you lose your right to unemployment benefits.

Activity in the unemployment fund

The unemployment fund regularly organizes workshops etc. It is voluntary if you want to participate. You should be aware that if there is any doubt as to whether you are available for the labor market, your non-participation may be included in the assessment of your case.

When you get a job

Out of the unemployment benefit system

If you get a new full-time job, remember to deregister as unemployed on from the date you start the new job. You can easily register your first working day in the future. Read more about how to do this.

If you have less than 6 weeks until you start your new job, you can apply for a job search exemption.

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