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Senior jobs and early retirement

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Min A-kasse helps you find out how to qualify for a senior job, what requirements apply and what it means for your finances. Get answers to your questions about the senior job scheme.

What is a senior job?

A senior job is a job that you can get under collective agreement conditions and it must be in your municipality of residence. The job must be full-time for full-time insured persons, while part-time insured persons can work part-time. The municipality determines the content and scope after an interview with you, and the work must be organized to suit your interests and qualifications.

It is a condition that you are enrolled in the early retirement scheme and that you meet the seniority requirement for early retirement when you reach early retirement age. You must continue to pay early retirement contributions.

Important rules for senior jobs and early retirement

If you choose not to transfer to early retirement exactly on the day you reach early retirement age, you must fulfill a new employment requirement before you can take early retirement. If you lose your job without fulfilling a new employment requirement, you will not be entitled to benefits from the unemployment fund.

If you can't meet a new employment requirement

If you are not sure you can fulfill a new employment requirement, you can choose to transfer to early retirement on the day you reach early retirement age.

  • The advantage of transferring to early retirement, even if you are in work, is that you are guaranteed early retirement if you become unemployed.
  • The downside is that you won't be able to gain a number of benefits that can be gained by waiting to take early retirement. You will also not be able to get a new unemployment benefit entitlement once you have chosen to switch to early retirement.

Read more about the senior job scheme

When am I entitled to a senior job?


You are entitled to a senior job if you are enrolled in the early retirement scheme and your unemployment benefit expires less than five years before the early retirement age. You are not entitled to a senior job until you have used the entire unemployment benefit period, including extensions.

How do I get a senior job?

How do you do it?

You must apply for a senior job yourself. You can contact your municipality to find out how.

When can I apply?

Applying for a senior job

The earliest you can apply for a senior job is three months before your unemployment benefit period ends, and the municipality must receive your application no later than two months after the end of your unemployment benefit period.

The municipality is obliged to hire you no later than two months after the date you apply for the job - but no earlier than the end of the unemployment benefit period.

The right to unemployment benefits

Your right to unemployment benefits

If you only apply for a senior job after you have lost your entitlement to unemployment benefits, you will not be paid until the municipality has granted you the job. You will not be entitled to unemployment benefits in the interim period.

Can I take vacation in a senior job?

Holidays and senior jobs

You are entitled to holiday under the Holiday Act, but you can only receive holiday pay during your holiday if you have earned your own holiday from an employer. This applies even if you have earned days with the right to holiday pay with us. It is a condition for receiving holiday pay that you have hours left of your unemployment benefit entitlement. 


If you are moving

If you move municipality, you can continue in your job or apply for a new senior job in the new municipality. You can do this no earlier than three months before you move and no later than the day you stop working in your previous municipality. The new municipality is obliged to hire you within two months of your application.

Switch to a regular job

When you stop

If you stop working in a senior job because you have found 'regular' work, you are entitled to a new senior job if your employment ends before the early retirement age.

You should be aware that you can get an early retirement certificate even if you continue in regular employment.