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Offsetting pension in early retirement

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Start: 26-09-2023 - 22:00
End: 27-09-2023 - 03:00

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Offsetting pension in early retirement - how much, how and when?

Here we describe the main principles for offsetting pension in your early retirement.

Offsetting your pension savings depends on the type of pension in question. It is the value of the pension assets at early retirement age or the annual pension benefit that is used as the basis for offsetting pension in early retirement.

  • All your pension savings have an impact on your early retirement. This applies regardless of whether they are retirement pension schemes with regular payments, annuity pension, capital pension or other pension savings.
  • Both private schemes and schemes that are part of a previous employment relationship must be offset. It is irrelevant whether the pension is paid out or not, or whether it is only paid out when you retire on state pension.
  • Pensions for surviving spouse or cohabiting partner, ATP or pensions for surviving children should not be deducted.

Please note that pension payments (e.g. civil servant pension) from the age of 60 until the early retirement age must also be offset against the early retirement pension.

Overview of pension offsetting

Offsetting pensions depends on which pensions you have. Contact Min A-kasse and get an overview. 

Pension deposits can be:

  • Capital pension
  • Employees' Animal Welfare Fund
  • Index contracts.

Ongoing payments can be:

  • Civil servant pension
  • Ratepension.

Not all pensions need to be offset

Disability pension and spouse pensions are not offset against your early retirement pension.

We are happy to help with your questions about offsetting pension in early retirement

You are always welcome to contact us so we can help you with an individual calculation of your early retirement.

Read more about working during early retirement.