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How much can you get in early retirement?

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See how much you can get in early retirement. We'll help you calculate your early retirement income and explain what can affect your payout. Read more about rates, accrual and tax conditions so you're well informed about your options.

How much can you get in early retirement?

The early retirement rate depends on when you start early retirement. You receive the same rate throughout the early retirement period. The calculation of early retirement is based on your previous income. 

The calculation of early retirement is based on the 12 months with the highest salary within the last 24 months - counted back from the day you are entitled to early retirement. To qualify for the highest rate, you must have had an average monthly salary of at least DKK 24,588 as a full-time insured and at least DKK 16,393 as a part-time insured (2024 figure).

You can receive up to 90% of your previous income, up to the maximum unemployment benefit rate.

If you were born between January 1, 1956 and December 31, 1958, your early retirement pension can be a maximum of 91% of the highest unemployment benefit rate. However, it can be up to the highest unemployment benefit rate if you postpone your transition to early retirement while still working to a certain extent.

Read more about the benefits of waiting with early retirement.

Remember to pay attention to your pensions and the deductions they make from your early retirement pension.

Full-time or part-time insured?

If you have the same insurance status at the time of early retirement as when your early retirement certificate was issued, your rate can never be lower than that stated on the certificate.

To calculate early retirement as a full-time insured person, the main rule is that you must have been fully insured for a total of at least 10 years within the last 15 years, including at least 52 weeks just before the transition to early retirement. If you do not meet this condition, you will receive early retirement at the rate as a part-time insured.

If you were born between July 1, 1956 and December 21, 1958, special rules apply to how long you have to postpone the transition to early retirement. You can read more about this.

Early retirement rates 2024

  Per month Per year
Full-time 100% DKK 20,359 per month (126.98 per hour) 244,308 kr. per year
Part-time 100 % 13,573 DKK per month (104 per hour) 162,876 kr. per year
Full-time 91 % 18,527 DKK per month (115.55 per hour) 222,324 kr. per year
Part-time 91 % 12,351 DKK per month (95 per hour) 144,212 kr. per year